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26792: Routine at 26790
How do we get here?
L26792 26792 LD A,(28107) Load A with MEGALASER_STATUS
26795 CP 255
26797 JP Z,MAIN_MENU_KEYBOARD_LOOP Go to MAIN_MENU_KEYBOARD_LOOP if Megalaser is unavailable
26800 CALL PROCESS_TEXT_STRING Megalaser is available. Time to draw the Megalaser
26803 DEFB 22,16,73,16
26807 DEFM "E7 Megalaser #"
26821 LD A,(28107) Load A with MEGALASER_STATUS
26824 AND A A is 1 if megalaser is on, 0 if it's off.
26825 JP Z,L26792_0 Jump to L26792_0 when the megalaser is on.
26828 CALL PROCESS_TEXT_STRING Megalaser is off. Time to draw the 'off' status.
26831 DEFM "off#"
26835 JP L26792_1 This is used when the megalaser is available, but off.
L26792_0 26838 CALL PROCESS_TEXT_STRING Time to draw the megalaser 'on' status.
26841 DEFM "on#"
L26792_1 26844 CALL PROCESS_TEXT_STRING Used! This won't return here!
26847 DEFB 22,18,43,16
26851 DEFM "DAh, so you found the jingo!#"
Prev: 26449 Up: Map Next: 26880